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PROJECT A - Wastewater

Based in Marlborough, RISEN Consultancy specialises in cost-effective septic tank and secondary wastewater system design, ensuring compliance with the highest environmental standards both locally and across New Zealand.

To design the ideal onsite wastewater system for any property in Marlborough or Nelson, RISEN Consultancy takes a detailed approach. They consider several factors, including the number of bedrooms, water flow rates, land topography, available space, soil composition, and proximity to nearby boundaries or waterways. This comprehensive method covers every step, from the initial investigation and design through to building and resource consent applications, ending with a thorough commission inspection.

In a recent project, the team worked on a site with restrictive soils and minimal effluent soakage potential. RISEN’s solution was a secondary treatment system using drip line irrigation. By securing the system to the slope, adding mulch, and planting over it, they achieved an eco-friendly and visually appealing result.

A key feature of this system is its use of tiger worms for effluent treatment. This reduces the complexity of the design, with fewer moving parts and electrical components, while promoting an environmentally conscious treatment method. The homeowners are especially proud of this innovative approach, sharing how their friends are fascinated by the worm-driven wastewater treatment. Note** such solutions are only suitable for some sites, not remote infrequent propeties due to the continual need to keep the worms alive.

onsite wastewater system to drip line irrigation in Marlborough. Required a resource consent discharge permit

PROJECT B - Drone Survey

  • Drone Surveying in Marlbrough

  • Volume calculations and assessment using RTK enabled drones

In Blenheim, Marlborough, RISEN Consultancy utilises advanced drone technology for a wide range of applications. A recent project highlights this capability, where the team used drones to determine the exact volume of spoil to be removed. This precise calculation provided the client with a fixed price and a clear timeframe for soil extraction, demonstrating the accuracy and versatility of drone use in Blenheim.

These drone surveys are just one of many applications. They are particularly useful for quarries, earthwork contractors, and developers of all sizes. Committed to precision and transparency, RISEN also employs drones for volume verifications, ensuring accurate soil deliveries and more.

drone survey marlborough to check volumes

PROJECT C - Roading & Stormwater

  • Stormwater analysis and design Marlborough

In regions like Marlborough, managing significant and frequent stormwater flows from catchments is crucial. The right stormwater infrastructure is not just a requirement; it's a necessity to prevent potential damage to assets, including buildings and roads.

At RISEN, we're at the forefront of stormwater solutions in Blenheim, Marlborough. We utilize cutting-edge 3D stormwater design technology, offering a visual representation of the catchment and culvert. This visualization not only simplifies engineering concepts but also enhances presentations for stakeholders, making it a favorite among our clients.

Our services in Nelson and Marlborough, include:

  • Catchment and flow analysis

  • Precise culvert design and sizing

  • Expertise in roading realignment and design

Catchment analysis in marlborough for stormwater culvert design
Culvert and road design for stormwater runoff in marlborough
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